Source code for sundog.client

import typing

import async_generator
import attr
import pymodbus.client.asynchronous.schedulers
import pymodbus.client.asynchronous.tcp
import pymodbus.client.asynchronous.trio
import pymodbus.client.common
import sunspec2.mb
import sunspec2.modbus.client
import pymodbus.pdu

import sundog

[docs]@async_generator.asynccontextmanager async def open_client(host: str, port: int) -> typing.AsyncIterator["Client"]: """Open a SunSpec Modbus TCP connection to the passed host and port. Arguments: host: The host name or IP address. port: The port number. Yields: The SunSpec client. """ modbus_client = pymodbus.client.asynchronous.tcp.AsyncModbusTCPClient( scheduler=pymodbus.client.asynchronous.schedulers.TRIO, host=host, port=port, ) sunspec_device = sunspec2.modbus.client.SunSpecModbusClientDevice() async with modbus_client.manage_connection() as protocol: yield Client( modbus_client=modbus_client, sunspec_device=sunspec_device, protocol=protocol, )
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class Client: """A SunSpec Modbus TCP client using :mod:`trio` support in :mod:`pymodbus` for communication and `pysunspec2` for loading models and holding the local cache of the data. The existing communication abilities of the `pysunspec2` objects are left intact but should not be used. .. automethod:: __getitem__ """ modbus_client: pymodbus.client.asynchronous.trio.TrioModbusTcpClient """The Modbus TCP client used for communication.""" protocol: pymodbus.client.common.ModbusClientMixin """The Modbus client protocol.""" sunspec_device: sunspec2.modbus.client.SunSpecModbusClientDevice """The SunSpec device object that holds the local data cache and model structures. """
[docs] def __getitem__( self, item: typing.Union[int, str] ) -> sunspec2.modbus.client.SunSpecModbusClientModel: """SunSpec models are accessible by indexing the client using either the model number or model name. .. code-block:: python model_1 = client[1] model_common = client["common"] assert model_1 is model_common Returns: The requested model. """ [model] = self.sunspec_device.models[item] return model
[docs] async def scan(self) -> None: """Scan the device to identify the base address, if not already set, and collect the model list. This also populates all the data. """ if self.sunspec_device.base_addr is None: for maybe_base_address in self.sunspec_device.base_addr_list: read_bytes = await self.read_registers( address=maybe_base_address, count=len(sundog.base_address_sentinel) // 2, ) if read_bytes == sundog.base_address_sentinel: self.sunspec_device.base_addr = maybe_base_address break else: raise sundog.BaseAddressNotFoundError( addresses=self.sunspec_device.base_addr_list ) else: read_bytes = await self.read_registers( address=self.sunspec_device.base_addr, count=len(sundog.base_address_sentinel) // 2, ) if read_bytes != sundog.base_address_sentinel: raise sundog.InvalidBaseAddressError( address=self.sunspec_device.base_addr, value=read_bytes, ) address = self.sunspec_device.base_addr + len(sundog.base_address_sentinel) // 2 model_id_length = 1 model_length_length = 1 while True: model_address = address intra_model_address = address read_bytes = await self.read_registers( address=address, count=model_id_length ) intra_model_address += model_id_length maybe_model_id = int.from_bytes(read_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) if maybe_model_id == sunspec2.mb.SUNS_END_MODEL_ID: break model_id = maybe_model_id read_bytes = await self.read_registers( address=intra_model_address, count=model_length_length ) intra_model_address += model_length_length model_length = int.from_bytes(read_bytes, byteorder="big", signed=False) # TODO: oof, awkward way to write this it seems whole_model_length = (intra_model_address - address) + model_length model_data = self.read_registers(address=address, count=whole_model_length) address += whole_model_length model = sunspec2.modbus.client.SunSpecModbusClientModel( model_id=model_id, model_addr=model_address, model_len=model_length, data=model_data, mb_device=self.sunspec_device, ) self.sunspec_device.add_model(model)
# TODO: should the local data be updated?
[docs] async def read_registers(self, address: int, count: int) -> bytes: """Read from the specified sequential register range in the device. Based on the 16-bit Modbus register size, the data in the returned bytes is in 2-byte chunks with each having a big-endian byte order. The local data is not updated. Arguments: address: The first register to read. count: The total number of sequential registers to read. Returns: The raw bytes read from the device. Raises: sundog.ModbusError: When a Modbus exception response is received. """ response = await self.protocol.read_holding_registers( address=address, count=count, unit=0x01 ) if isinstance(response, pymodbus.pdu.ExceptionResponse): raise sundog.ModbusError(exception=response) return bytes(response.registers)
[docs] async def read_point( self, point: sunspec2.modbus.client.SunSpecModbusClientPoint ) -> typing.Union[float, int]: """Read the passed point from the device and update the local data. Arguments: point: The SunSpec point object to read. Returns: The new computed value of the point. Raises: sundog.ModbusError: When a Modbus exception response is received. """ if point.sf is not None: await self.read_point(point=point.model.points[point.sf]) read_bytes = await self.read_registers( address=self.point_address(point=point), count=point.len, ) point.set_mb(data=read_bytes) if point.pdef["type"] == "sunssf": for other_point in point.model.points.values(): if other_point.sf == point.pdef["name"]: other_cvalue = other_point.cvalue other_point.sf_value = point.cvalue if other_cvalue is not None: other_point.cvalue = other_cvalue return point.cvalue # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs] def point_address( self, point: sunspec2.modbus.client.SunSpecModbusClientPoint ) -> int: """Calculate the start address of a given SunSpec point. Arguments: point: The SunSpec point object to read. Returns: The address of the first register of the point. """ return point.model.model_addr + point.offset # type: ignore[no-any-return]
[docs] async def write_registers(self, address: int, values: bytes) -> None: """Write to the specified sequential register range in the device. Based on the 16-bit Modbus register size, the data in the passed bytes should in 2-byte chunks with each having a big-endian byte order. The local data is not updated. Arguments: address: The first register to write. count: The total number of sequential registers to write. Returns: The raw bytes to be written to the device. Raises: sundog.ModbusError: When a Modbus exception response is received. """ response = await self.protocol.write_registers( address=address, values=values, unit=0x01 ) if isinstance(response, pymodbus.pdu.ExceptionResponse): raise sundog.ModbusError(exception=response)
[docs] async def write_point( self, point: sunspec2.modbus.client.SunSpecModbusClientPoint ) -> None: """Write the passed point from the local data to the device. Arguments: point: The SunSpec point object to write. Raises: sundog.ModbusError: When a Modbus exception response is received. """ if point.sf is not None: await self.read_point(point=point.model.points[point.sf]) bytes_to_write = point.get_mb() await self.write_registers( address=self.point_address(point=point), values=bytes_to_write, )